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A trip to San Francisco, California

We participated in Oct 2019 at the Abilities Expo Show at San Mateo, California. This show connects the industry with people with disabilties.

We are thrilled to see the many equipment, devices, tools, services and products that are available to make every day life more independent and inclusive for people with disabilties.

We sure take many ideas back home and of course it is always a pleasure to meet with friends and former clients.

As the show finished, we decided to visit San Francisco to meet with some prospective clients and organizations.

Today as we walked through San Francisco for approx 6 hours we noticed how friendly accessible the city is for a person with a disability. Even though places where we went sometimes were up-hill, every single corner had a curve ramp, smart sotp lights and friendly people to interact with you!!.

It is a very diverse and interesting city with plenty of accessible different options for restaurants, attractions, shops, neighborhoods, but what called the most our attention, is the amount of people doing out door activities.

We wanted to jump in the bay to join some swimmers, rent a bike and ride around town or simply try on our running shoes to discover each corner of the main most iconic neighborhoods

We moved from Chinatown, Fillmore Distric, Japantown, Lafayette Park, Fisherman´s Wharf to finally spend the sunset at Fort Mason, watching the Goden Gate Bridge on the horizon with a sky changing colors.

The opportunties to discover breathtaking landscape, nature and culture are endless here.

In one day we  just scratched the surface of to do things in this town, but we know we will be back to explore one of my favorite destinations.

Cheers San Francisco, California

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